Development of Learn to learn competence in Baltic – Nordic countries (2019)

Preparatory visit financed by the Nordplus Adult programm


The aim of the preparatory visit is to clarify scope for cooperation and planing a concrete application for the next Nordplus Adult application deadline in the area of development of Learn to Learn (l2L) competence within adult education in Baltic – Nordic countries. The on- line L2L competence selfassessment tool for adult learners jointly developed and used by partners from four European countries in 2016–2018. In the future Nordplus Adult Project the partners from Lithuania and Estonia will share the experience from the implementation phase and partners from other countries will seek to implement the on – line tool within their countries.

The target group of preparatory meeting are adult educations providers institutions/organizations:
Lithuanian Association of Adult Education, Estonian Non- formal Adult Education Association, Latvian Adult Education Association, Litorina folk high school (Sweden). All organizations for many years have been concerned about the quality of adult learning in their countries and believe that L2L competence is one of the learning preconditions.

During the meeting will be discussed: the L2L situation in the countries, the L2L needs of adult teachers/learners, the possibilities to meet these needs. L2L assessment tool and its benefits to adult learners/teachers will presented, tested by new partners. The partners will discuss on the future use of the tool in their countries, on how the primary future Project idea can be developed to the Collaboration Project, agree on objectives, results and impacts, on additional potential partners from Nordic countries. Draft of the future Project will be done. Tasks for the preparation of future Project will be distributed.


Aug 30, 2019 | Posted by | Comments Off
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