Facts about us



Lithuanian Association of Adult Education (LAAE) was established on 24 February 1992. LAAE is a public non-profit independent union of individuals and organizations of various types.

In 2023 there are 81 individual and 29 legal members, 8 regional branches.

MISSION of Association:

We, Lithuanian Association of Adult Education, in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign adult educators and institutions, are calling get together individuals and representatives of various organizations for the purpose to promote an approach of Life Long Learning within the society and the development of an opportunities for continuing education.

Strategic developments of LAAE are:

  • Development of regional bodies;
  • Development and dissemination of methodology for adult education trainers;
  • Development of leadership skills within NGOs;
  • Development of adult education policy within regions.

LAAE is participating in creation of the main policy documents and legal acts on education. LAAE was the initiator of adopting the Law on Non-formal Adult Education (active from 1998). According the Law on Education LAAE sends its representative to the Council of Education of Lithuania which enables to advocate the interests of adult education in education policy debates.

Our activities are based upon such principles:

  • Openness for ideas, initiatives and experience;
  • Responsible and good willing work within a team;
  • Efficiency, e.g. to fulfill tasks in time and according agreed standards.

AIMS of the Association:

  • To invite adult educators and the institutions, discussing adult education issues, for joint work;
  • To develop adults capacities for active participation in their professional and community life;
  • To develop adults need for continuous education;
  • To represent Lithuanian adult educators in the country and abroad.

To realize those aims, Association is focusing its activities in such directions:

  • Adults Teaching / Learning Methods and Development of Skills to Work with Adult Groups;
  • NGO Leaders Training; Development of NGO Strategy;
  • Development of Adults Civic Skills;
  • Adults Social Initiatives Possibilities Development.

Those activities take such forms:

  • Seminars and conferences;
  • Study visits abroad;
  • Consultations;
  • International Projects;
  • Gathering and Dissemination of Information;
  • E-journal “Savišvieta” (“Self Education”);
  • Mediation for getting contacts in adult education.

Other main activities are: organization of Adult Education Weeks, development partnership with similar organizations from other countries, non-formal meetings of LAAE members.


  1. In 1993 Association became a member of European Adult Education Association (EAEA).
  2. In 2003 LAAE became a member of ReferNet, the European network of reference and expertise provides high quality.
  3. Since 2006 LAAE is a member of non-formal Nordic – Baltic network of Adult Education.
  4. Since 2017 LAAE is a member of NGO Education Network.

The LAAE is also:

  • One of the establishers of the Estate Academy of Rumšiškės museum.
  • A co-ordinator of the Baltic Sea NGO Network for Lithuania, www.balticseango.net.
  • A associate partner of the international LEM Network (Learning Museum Network, www.lemproject.eu).

More information www.lssa.smm.lt

Jan 31, 2015 | Posted by | Comments Off
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